Thursday, June 30, 2005

tHaNk U aGaIn!!!!!!!!!!!

hi guys!!! whazzzup!?!? as most of u know, i passed everything(> U <) i passed the japanese interview! i can go to australia with all of my friends!!!!! im really happy now!! i mean, there's just one thing...i don't wanna leave my family coz i love them so much. i'll ask them to come visit me all the time!! and actually there's another thing. when we take the study abroad preparation classes, we usually don't have to go to some of the regular classes, but this time, we have to take both classes! so the possibilities to fail one of them is higher!!!!!!! i'll have to study really really hard...i'll do my best.
i wanna thank everyone who helped me,like practicing the interview with me, cheering me up or sent me messages. thank u thank u thank u!!!!!!!! and my friends who had the tests with me!! the two ayumis, takuji, mai and karei(^ - ^) let's try hard for the classes that begins next semester!!!


Aya T said...

i knew you would make it though★ if you failed, who would pass?? so you'll have to work hard on the classes in CIE next semester. im sure its gonna be tough but i hope you enjoy it! and im looking forward to visiting you and ayumi in australia next summer after i come back from US! :D

Takuji said...

Yeaaah!! We are happy now, but i still thinking which is better to study abroad, South Africa or Australia. It is hard for me to choice. Anyway, we have to do our best next semester. Yeaaaaaaaah!

Scott Douglas said...

Have fun in Australia! Can I take most of the credit for you passing because I was one of your oral examiners? Ha ha, just kidding!