Thursday, February 23, 2006

tHaT's HoT!!

hi. since i got here in australia, i was wondering why it's summer and it's cold? what's happening to australia!? i heard that it was going to be summer so i left all my warm clothes in japan!!(because the limit of weight of my suitcase was 20kg which actually they were giving 10kg for service so it was 30kg...and i could've taken my warm clothes)
NE WAY, it was not so hot in melbourne. (by yesterday...)However,to my surprise, melbourne suddenly decided to answer my question...the weather cast said that it was going to be 27degrees while i bet it actually had more than 30degrees!!! i nearly was burned from the sun!!! i was so scared if i wouldn't catch a skin cancer lol seriously!!
i better buy a sunscreen coz this weekend, i'm going to hold some koalas and hopefully go to the beach with my friend♪


Aya T said...

i wanna go to beach too!!!!><
since im in the mountains, the weather here is crazy too. its like spring one day and snowing a lot next day...
have fun this weekend and post some pics with koalas!

Takuji said...

south african sunshine also toxic!! my face is so dark now. in the future stain(shimi, sobakasu? i dont know how to say in english.) will show up. horrible!